As Galata Taşımacılık ve Ticaret A.Ş., we are supporting The Hope Foundation for Children with Cancer (KAÇUV) for more than 10 years.

We believe that a bright future and a livable planet will be entrusted to children. We have a sense of responsibility for the survival and health of the children who fight cancer.

As a result, we participate in marathons and half marathons organized by Nkolay as part of our corporate commitment to KAÇUV

Appreciation Letter From Kaçuv

Bahçeşehir University - CO-OP Cooperation

Every year, we collaborate and support CO-OP education model that Bahçeşehir University has maintained for 10 years in order for students to gain early job experience and to participate in and prepare for business life.


In addition to caring for the institution's female employees, we support the participation of women in business life in the social arena. As part of this process, we signed the Women's Empowerment Principles created in partnership with the United Nations Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Unit (UN Women).

As a result of this signature, we commit to adopt the Women's Empowerment Principles as a means of strengthening the contribution of women to business life, supporting their equality in all fields, and promoting gender equality at all levels of society.

We are also members of the Women in Logistics in Turkey (WILAT) and The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), whose objective is to increase the status of women in Logistics and Transport. In addition to bringing together those who support the development of women's talent and career, we provide a mentorship and support network to women in the sector.


Galata’nın 25. Yılını kutladığımız 2022 yılında Ege Orman Vakfı İşbirliği ile Edirne / Meşelik mevkiinde 10.000 fidanlık Galata 25. Yıl Hatıra Ormanı’nı kurduk. Kurduğumuz bu ormanı her sene aynı tarihte yeni fidanlar ile büyütmeye devam ediyoruz. Bu proje ile hem karbon ayak izimizi azaltmaya çalışıyor hem de gelecek nesillere temiz bir dünya bırakmaya çalışıyoruz.

Enüstkat Interactive - EUK